Voyage Reports:
Voyage Log:
-Approx. Nautical Miles with auxiliary EPS to date: 1611 NM
-Update - August 14, 2012: inport Ginowan Marina
-August 11-12, 2012: Zamami with Brad, Bill and Mike; ASA BCC 103 course trip to Zamami port; Leg 1: Ginowan- Zamami port: 25 NM; Leg 2: Zamami port- Ginowan Marina: 25 NM; Sea Conditions: 1-1.5 meter seas, Winds: 12-8 kts SW/ S; Summary: Leg 1: Voyage to Zamami port during the day in mild conditions. Had very nice sail into the Keramas, over the north side of Zamami. Sailed with 1st reef for training at the start but then shook out the reef and sailed full speed under full sail. Arrived at Zamami port at the exact time of the ferry departure (1500) and had to wait for the ferry to leave. Sailed to and through the entrance of Zamami port. Had a great mooring spot on the main quay wall. Zamami was very crowded with tourists and there were no rooms available in any minshiku. But we were lucky to meet Nozomi-san from Higa Rental service and she made some phone calls and found us all a room. Fun times in Zamami! Leg 2: Departure from Zamami port at 0900. Motor-sailed to the breakwater (approx 200 meters) due to headwinds coming into the port. Once outside the port, we had a nice sail the rest of the way, stopping to anchor and swim at Amuru shima. Winds out of the southwest required sailing dead-downwind through the Tokashiki-Zamami channel, but then a nice beam reach all the way home. A few lulls but overall steady winds. Made it back to Ginowan Marina around 1700. Technical summary: Overall EPS performed well (more than adequate propulsion, no regen); Used EPS to enter/ leave Ginowan marina, to approach port in Zamami and Amuru shima. Approx. EPS runtime: 3 hrs @ < 10 amps; Notes: Regen still does not work.
-August 4, 2012: Okinawa day sailing with Tabata-san and Suzuki-san; Demonstration sail near #2 buoy; 10 NM; Sea Conditions: 1-1.5 meter seas, Winds: 18-20 kts E; Summary: Local cruise off coast of Okinawa to show the boat to Suzuki-san and Tabata-san. Breezy conditions and good fun. Had 2nd reef in the mainsail but were still going fullspeed. East winds kept the seas flat. Used the Sail-O-Mat windvane for the first time since maintenance and modifications and it worked great! Technical summary: Overall EPS performed well (more than adequate propulsion power but no regen). Used EPS to enter/exit Ginowan Marina and do docking drills, Approx EPS runtime: 2 hrs @ < 15 amps. Notes: Regen still does not work.
-July 29, 2012: Okinawa day sailing with Mike, Tim and Paul; ASA BKB 101 course in near #2 buoy; 10 NM; Sea Conditions: 1-1.5 meter seas, Winds: 20-22 kts E; Summary: Local cruise off coast of Okinawa for BKB 101 course. Windy and lively conditions but good fun. Had 2nd reef in the mainsail but were still going fullspeed. East winds kept the seas flat. Technical summary: Overall EPS performed well (more than adequate propulsion power but no regen). Used EPS to enter/exit Ginowan Marina and do docking drills, Approx EPS runtime: 2 hrs @ < 15 amps. Notes: Regen still does not work.
-July 14-15, 2012: Zamami with Rob, Heather, James and Andie; ASA BCC 103 course trip to Zamami port; Leg 1: Ginowan- Zamami port: 25 NM; Leg 2: Zamami port- Ginowan Marina: 25 NM; Sea Conditions: 1-1.5 meter seas, Winds: 12-15 kts S/ SW; Summary: Leg 1: Voyage to Zamami port during the day in moderate conditions. Had very nice sail into the Keramas, over the north side of Zamami. Sailed with 1st reef for training but still made good speed. Caught a catsuo between Mae jima and Kuro jima with Jon's Rapalla and made sashimi for lunch. Sailed to and through the entrance of Zamami port. Lucky to get a mooring spot on the main quay wall. Makino-san with his Zen 24 arrived soon after and moored next to us- the only two electric powered sailboats in Okinawa and they happened to both be in Zamami at the same time. Leg 2: Departure from Zamami port by 0930- delayed because a crewmember lost his watch in the water and amazingly another crewmember was able to dive down and retrieve it in the mud. Had to motor to the breakwater (approx 200 meters) due to headwinds coming into the port. Once outside the port, we had a nice sail the rest of the way, stopping to anchor and swim at Amuru shima. Winds out of the southwest required sailing dead-downwind through the Tokashiki-Zamami channel, but then a nice beam reach all the way home. Made it back to Ginowan Marina around 1600. Technical summary: Overall EPS performed well (more than adequate propulsion, no regen); Used EPS to enter/ leave Ginowan marina, to approach port in Zamami and Amuru shima. Approx. EPS runtime: 3 hrs @ < 10 amps; Notes: Regen still does not work.
-July 7-8, 2012: Zamami Yacht Race with James, James, Eric and Andrew, and Joel; ASA BCC 103/ BBC 104 course trip to Zamami port; Leg 1: Ginowan- Zamami port: 25 NM; Leg 2: Zamami port- Ginowan Marina: 25 NM; Sea Conditions: 1-1.5 meter seas, Winds: 12-15 kts S; Summary: Leg 1: Voyage to Zamami port during the day in moderate conditions. Left Ginowan Marina 2 hours early ahead of the Zamami Yacht race. Did drills quickly and headed out on the race course. Got all the way to Kuro shima before we saw the first race boats. Then we saw them all pass us quickly since Intrepid is so slow! Sailed with the pack into the channel between Zamami and Tokashiki where the race course took a turn and we were able to sail into Zamami port ahead of the pack. The main quay was full so under EPS we attempted to first side tie, then med moor, then side tie (confusing ordeal) to the far old quay. Attempts at med moor were botched repeatedly due to a strong side wind and the anchor dragging in the mud. The final attempt at a med moor was a debacle as a stern line got caught on the prop! So we drifted down on to the fishing boat quay and luckily were able to gently settle and moor with the help of the locals. Our crew then dove down and unwrapped the line from the prop. Used EPS considerably, 1 hr @ < 15 amps, to maneuver around Zamami port. Leg 2: Departure from Zamami port by 0800 and had a smooth sail to Amuru shima. Used EPS to approach anchorage, anchored and had an awesome time swimming. Sailed back to Ginowan Marina with winds on our stern most of the way. Got passed like we were standing still by Drippy- how embarrassing! Technical summary: Overall EPS performed well (more than adequate propulsion, no regen); Used EPS to enter/ leave Ginowan marina, to approach port in Zamami and Amuru shima anchorage. Approx. EPS runtime: 3 hrs @ < 10 amps; Notes: Regen still does not work.
-June 30- July 1, 2012: Zamami with Tomoko, Sam, Tony, Susanne and Joe; ASA BCC 103 course trip to Zamami port; Leg 1: Ginowan- Zamami port: 25 NM; Leg 2: Zamami port- Ginowan Marina: 25 NM; Sea Conditions: 1.5-2 meter seas, Winds: 12-15, 5-10 kts SW/ S; Summary: Leg 1: Voyage to Zamami port during the day in moderate conditions. Brisk close hauled sail with the first reef into the Keramas, in near record time. Sailed into Zamami port and used EPS to maneuver around the port to the seawall. The main quay was full so we side tied to the old far quay without incident. Leg 2: Departure from Zamami port by 0830 and tried to arrive near Furuzamami beach to watch the start of the sabani race but we had very light winds on our tail going around Amuru shima and couldn't get to the race start on time. Watched the start of the sabani race from a distance and tried to catch up with the sabanis on the trip back, but they were too fast. At times, very light winds on our tail on return, but it picked up. Entered Chi-bishii and anchored near Kamiyama shima. Used EPS extensively to search for and approach a safe anchorage near the reefs. Very difficult and almost aborted attempt to find a sandy spot in the reefs. The spot chosen was actually dangerously close to a reef and so the anchoring and swim time was brief. Sailed back and practiced a med moor in Ginowan Marina. Used EPS to maneuver around Ginowan Marina for med moor practice. Technical summary: Overall EPS performed well (more than adequate propulsion, no regen); Used EPS to enter/ leave Ginowan marina, to approach port in Zamami and Chi Bishii. Approx. EPS runtime: 3 hrs @ < 10 amps; Notes: Regen still does not work.
-June 26, 2012: Okinawa day sailing with Brad; ASA BCC 103 course in near #2 buoy; 5 NM; Sea Conditions: 1-1.5 meter seas, Winds: 12-15 kts S; Summary: Local cruise off coast of Okinawa to finish up skills for BCC 103 course, approx. 5 NM. Just cruised around for a bit and practiced anchoring in the marina. Used EPS to maneuver in the marina. Technical summary: Overall EPS performed well (more than adequate propulsion power but no regen). Used EPS to enter/exit Ginowan Marina and maneuver for anchoring practice, Approx EPS runtime: 1 hr @ < 10 amps. Notes: Regen still does not work.
-June 25, 2012: Okinawa day sailing with Kazuo-san; demonstration cruise near #2 buoy; 7 NM; Sea Conditions: 1 meter seas, Winds: 8-10 kts S; Summary: Local cruise off coast of Okinawa to demonstrate the boat for Kazuo-san. Perfect conditions and very nice day afternoon of sailing, except we ran over some junk rope floating in the water and it fouled the prop! We couldn't free it by pulling or reversing the prop, so we had to heave-to out by the #2 buoy and the skipper jumped in the water with mask, snorkel and fins to un-foul the prop. Problem solved. Finished the sail at the marina crane for a haul-out to clean and inspect the bottom. Technical summary: Overall EPS performed well (more than adequate propulsion power but no regen). Used EPS to enter/exit Ginowan Marina, Approx EPS runtime: 1 hr @ < 10 amps. Notes: Regen still does not work.
-June 23, 24, 2012: Okinawa day sailing with Bill, Jay, Mike, James, Bryant; ASA BKB 101 course in near #2 buoy; 7 NM (6/23) 7 NM (6/24); Sea Conditions: 1-1.5 meter seas, Winds: 12-15 kts S; Summary: Local cruise off coast of Okinawa for BKB 101 course. Good conditions and good fun. Technical summary: Overall EPS performed well (more than adequate propulsion power but no regen). Used EPS to enter/exit Ginowan Marina and do docking drills, Approx EPS runtime: 2 hrs @ < 15 amps. Notes: Regen still does not work.
-May 25, 26, 2012: Okinawa day sailing with Patrick, Joe and Lauren; ASA BKB 101 course in near #2 buoy; 7 NM (5/25), 7 NM (5/26); Sea Conditions: 1- 1.5 meter seas, Winds: 8-12 kts E, SE; Summary: Local cruise off coast of Okinawa for BKB 101 course. Good conditions both days. Technical summary: Overall EPS performed well (more than adequate propulsion power but no regen). Used EPS to enter/exit Ginowan Marina, Approx EPS runtime: 1 hr @ < 10 amps (each day). Notes: Regen still does not work.
-April 28-29, 2012: Zamami with JD, Sam, Paul and Ben; ASA BCC 103 course trip to Zamami port; Leg 1: Ginowan- Zamami port: 25 NM; Leg 2: Zamami port- Ginowan Marina: 25 NM; Sea Conditions: 2 meter seas, Winds: 10-15 kts E/ SE; Summary: Leg 1: Voyage to Zamami port during the day in moderate conditions with occasional light squalls. Made it to Zamami early enough to explore the island. Got a nice mooring spot on the main quay. Used EPS to enter port and moor, 1 hr @ < 15 amps. Leg 2: Departed Zamami port around 0800 under EPS and sail. Concerned about the weather conditions so we skipped the anchoring practice- to be done later in Ginowan Marina. Sailed back in good time in moderate conditions with the first reef. Technical summary: Overall EPS performed well (more than adequate propulsion, no regen); Used EPS to enter/ leave Ginowan marina and Zamami port. Approx. EPS runtime: 3 hrs @ < 10 amps; Notes: Regen still does not work.
-April 21, 22, 2012: Okinawa day sailing with Tomoko, Jesus and Yonic; ASA BKB 101 course in near #2 buoy; 7 NM (4/21), 7 NM (4/22); Sea Conditions: 1 meter seas, Winds: 8-12 kts N, NW; Summary: Local cruise off coast of Okinawa for BKB 101 course. Good conditions both days. Technical summary: Overall EPS performed well (more than adequate propulsion power but no regen). Used EPS to enter/exit Ginowan Marina, Approx EPS runtime: 1 hr @ < 10 amps (each day). Notes: Regen still does not work.
-April 7, 8, 2012: Okinawa day sailing with James, Tomoko, JD; ASA BKB 101 course in near #2 buoy; 7 NM; Sea Conditions: 1.5 meter seas, Winds: 10-12 kts E; Summary: Local cruise off coast of Okinawa for BKB 101 course, approx. 7 NM. Technical summary: Overall EPS performed well (more than adequate propulsion power but no regen). Used EPS to enter/exit Ginowan Marina, Approx EPS runtime: 1 hr @ < 10 amps. Notes: Regen still does not work.
-January 28-29, 2012: Okinawa day sailing with Moto-san; ASA BKB 101 course in near #2 buoy; 7 NM; Sea Conditions: 1- 1.5 meter seas, Winds: 8-10 kts N; Summary: Local cruise off coast of Okinawa for BKB 101 course, approx. 7 NM. Technical summary: Overall EPS performed well (more than adequate propulsion power but no regen). Used EPS to enter/exit Ginowan Marina, Approx EPS runtime: 1 hr @ < 10 amps. Notes: Regen still does not work.
-January 21, 2012: Okinawa day sailing to Chi Biishi and Naha port with Tony, Susanne, and Elly; ASA BKB 101 course around Chi Biishi and Naha port; 12 NM; Sea Conditions: 1.5- 2 meter seas, Winds: 12-15 kts N/ NW; Summary: Local cruise off coast of Okinawa for BKB 101 course, approx. 12 NM. Technical summary: Overall EPS performed well (more than adequate propulsion power but no regen). Used EPS to enter/exit Ginowan Marina, Approx EPS runtime: 1 hr @ < 10 amps. Notes: Regen still does not work.
-January 14, 15, 2012: Okinawa day sailing with Dan, Tony, Susanne, Joel; ASA BKB 101 course in near #2 buoy; 5 NM; Sea Conditions: 1.5- 2 meter seas, Winds: 12-15 kts N/ NW; Summary: Local cruise off coast of Okinawa for BKB 101 course, approx. 5 NM. Technical summary: Overall EPS performed well (more than adequate propulsion power but no regen). Used EPS to enter/exit Ginowan Marina, Approx EPS runtime: 1 hr @ < 10 amps. Notes: Regen still does not work.
-November 26, December 5, 2011: Zamami with Taki, Ben and Eric, return with Delane; ASA BCC 103 course trip to Zamami port; Leg 1: Ginowan- Zamami port: 25 NM; Leg 2: Zamami port- Ginowan Marina: 25 NM; Sea Conditions: 2.5- 3.5 meter seas, Winds: 18-20 kts N/ NE; Summary: Leg 1: Voyage to Zamami port during the day in lively conditions. Winds were brisk out of the north so we sailed south of Chi Bishii and entered the Keramas from the south. The seas got rough between Mae Jima and Tokashiki with winds on our tail. Jibing in heavy seas and strong winds is not fun. The crew handled it well and were rewarded with a really nice anchorage and swim call in Tokashiki Aharen ko. Eric speared some fish and we all enjoyed swimming in the water which was warmer than the air! On the sail from Aharen to Zamami, we hooked a record sized (for Intrepid) Mahi Mahi with a squid lure and Taki reeled it in. The fish was caught close to Aka jima, and close enough to Zamami that it was fresh when presented to the staff of izakaya la Touque. Entered Zamami port under sail and approached the main quay under EPS. Great mooring spot behind the stage for the Zamami village matsuri party that night. Awesome time partying in Zamami! Leg 2: Departure from Zamami delayed by 1 week due to rough weather. Crew left early on the ferry and the skipper stayed in Zamami with the boat for 1 week with the locals. The weather cleared up and Delane took the ferry out to meet the skipper to help bring Intrepid back to Ginowan Marina on Dec 5th. Strong head winds required a long tack off track to the north and a much further track back to Ginowan resulted in arriving back in port late at night, after an 8 hour upwind sail. Lots of weather helm and a very ominous play in the steering made the trip back worrisome. Steering was disassembled and was checked on return and found that drive pin was wearing and the pedestal shaft bearing was shot. Replaced and fixed. Used EPS to enter port and moor, 1 hr @ < 15 amps. Technical summary: Overall EPS performed well (more than adequate propulsion, no regen); Used EPS to enter/ leave Ginowan marina, to approach port in Zamami and Tokashiki Aharen ko. Approx. EPS runtime: 3 hrs @ < 10 amps; Notes: Regen still does not work.
-November 12-13, 2011: Zamami with Dave, Chris and Takanari-san; ASA BBC 104 course trip to Zamami port; Leg 1: Ginowan- Zamami port: 25 NM; Leg 2: Zamami port- Ginowan Marina: 25 NM; Sea Conditions: 2 meter seas, Winds: 12-18 kts N/ NE; Summary: Voyage to Zamami port during the day in moderate conditions. Entered the Keramas by sailing south of Mae jima down wind. Used spinnaker and it looked good until the ferry passed us by and we jibed and got the spinnaker hopelessly tangled. Very embarrassing and took awhile to fix. Caught a small tuna, trolling near Aka jima and gave it to La Touque (the local izakaya) in Zamami, who cut it up and shared it with everyone at the matsuri party. Great mooring spot, side tied at the end of the ferry terminal quay. Return voyage was close to the wind and lively. Used EPS to enter/ exit port and moor, 1 hr @ < 15 amps. Anchoring practice aborted due to forecasted challenging return conditions. Technical summary: Overall EPS performed well (more than adequate propulsion, no regen); Used EPS to enter/ leave Ginowan marina, to approach port in Zamami. Approx. EPS runtime: 3 hrs @ < 10 amps; Notes: Regen still does not work.
-October 19, 2011: Okinawa day sailing with Taki-san; ASA BKB 101 course in near #2 buoy; 5 NM; Sea Conditions: 1- 1.5 meter seas, Winds: 12-15 kts N/ NW; Summary: Local cruise off coast of Okinawa for Taki's BKB 101 course, approx. 7 NM. Technical summary: Overall EPS performed well (more than adequate propulsion power but no regen). Used EPS to enter/exit Ginowan Marina, Approx EPS runtime: 1 hr @ < 10 amps. Notes: Regen still does not work.
-October 8-10, 2011: Tokashiki and Aka with Mino-san, Kataoka-san, and Tamate-san; ASA BCC 103 course trip to Tokashiki and Aka jima; Leg 1: Ginowan- Tokashiki port: 20 NM; Leg 2: Tokashiki port- Aka jima port: 7 NM; Aka jima port - Ginowan Marina: 25 NM; Sea Conditions: 2- 2.5 meter seas, Winds: 10-15 kts N/ NE; Summary: Leg 1: Voyage to Tokashiki port during the day in moderate conditions. Lively close reach going between Mae jima and Tokashiki. Used EPS to enter port and moor, 1 hr @ < 15 amps. Leg 2: Voyage from Tokashiki port to Aka jima port, via Aharen ko for anchoring practice. Moderate conditions, used EPS further out from the port and with more throttle due to head winds leaving the port, 1.5 hrs @ 20 amps. Leaving Tokashiki port there was big swells and so we couldn't sail effectively. EPS worked well to get us through the swells and into open water to raise sails. On this leg, we cut too close to land and almost got caught on lee shore south east of Tokashiki, but we were able to tack and get into navigable water. Used EPS in Aharen ko to anchor, 30 min. @ <10 amps. Used EPS to enter Aka jima port and to side tie to seawall. Easy and calm approach into the port, EPS 20 min. @ <10 amps. Leg 3: Voyage from Aka jima to Ginowan marina in moderate conditions during the day. Nice sail back to homeport. Used EPS to depart seawall in Aka jima, raised sails just outside the port, EPS 20 min @ <10 amps. Technical summary: Overall EPS performed well (more than adequate propulsion, no regen); Used EPS to enter/ leave Ginowan marina, to approach port in Tokashiki port, Aharen ko and Aka jima. Approx. EPS runtime: 5 hrs @ < 15 amps; Notes: Batteries depleted approx 50%. Regen still does not work.
-September 2-4, 2011: Ie island with John, Larry and Chris; ASA ACC 106 course trip to Ie jima port; Leg 1: Ginowan- Ie jima port: 25 NM; Leg 2: Ie jima port- Ginowan Marina: 25 NM; Sea Conditions: 2.5- 2 meter seas, Winds: 20-15 kts N/ NW; Summary: Leg 1: Voyage to Ie jima at night with strong head wind and moderate seas. Clouds and no moon made visual navigation (for training) at night challenging. One crew member became badly seasick but it only became apparent past the halfway point, so we continued the voyage. Arrived in Ie jima by early morning daylight and side tied to floating dock. Ie jima is a great place to visit. Used EPS to enter port and moor, 1 hr @ < 15 amps. Leg 2: Departed and used EPS to leave port, 1 hr @ < 15 amps. Return voyage was with the wind and the spinnaker was used beautifully. Flew home at an average speed of 6+ kts with the spinnaker. Used EPS to maneuver in Ginowan marina, 30 min @< 15 amps. Technical summary: Overall EPS performed well (more than adequate propulsion, no regen); Used EPS to enter/ leave Ginowan marina, to enter/ leave Ie jima port. Approx. EPS runtime: 2.5 hrs @ < 15 amps; Notes: Regen still does not work.
-August 20, 2011: Aborted attempt at Zamami with Sasha, Chris M. and Chris S.; ASA BBC 104; Ginowan - Chi Bishii and return, 20 NM total; Conditions: 0-.5 meter seas, Winds 0- 5 kts variable; Summary: Tried to sail to Zamami with very light winds. Got as far as Chi Bishii in 6 hours with practically no wind, just drifting with the current and trying to catch little puffs of wind. We we used EPS sporadically to catch little puffs and try to generate headwind, in the hopes that the doldrums were only temporary that day. However on this day the doldrums lasted all day! After 6 hours we realized that the winds weren't going to pick up and we had to turn back. However since we used EPS in the light winds and we got caught in a current, we had a lot of difficulty making it back to port under EPS since we exceeded our range. We became worried that would drift away from Okinawa with the current with no wind and so planned to make an emergency alternate approach with EPS to the nearest safe harbor- Naha port which was closest. However the current was so strong it almost took us to Itoman, so we planned to also go there. Luckily Seiichi-san on Shape was out fishing and we able to call him and Dave and they came and gave us a tow back to port. Very embarrassing and negative experience for the whole electric propulsion idea. Lesson learned: With EPS, voyage planning is essential and it is very important to check the weather and in the case of Intrepid, do not plan voyages when the weather forecasts 5 or less kts of wind. On this trip we tested the range of EPS with Intrepid and it "almost got us back from Chi Bishii if it wasn't for the current. Technical summary: EPS was pushed to the limits. Batteries were approx. 80% depleted after: leaving/entering Ginowan Marina and approx. 6 hrs @ < 10- 15 amps. Regen still does not work.
-July 29-31, 2011: Zamami with Jill, Cody, Tyson and Steve; ASA BCC 103 course trip to Zamami port; Leg 1: Ginowan- Zamami port: 25 NM; Leg 2: Zamami port- Ginowan Marina: 25 NM; Sea Conditions: 1-1.5 meter seas, Winds: 5-8 kts S/ ESE; Summary: Voyage to Zamami port in light to favorable sailing conditions. Entered port before too late. Return leg had very light winds that were somewhat of a headwind, making the return leg challenging. Crew was worried about time so anchoring practice was aborted. Due to very light winds, motor sailing with EPS was attempted approx. 10 NM from port. The Link 10 battery monitor was carefully monitored for "time left" and crew intended to use every last bit of power in the batteries and push the system to the limit to ensure timely return to port. However, return was late partly due to technical issue with EPS. Technical summary: EPS failed while entering port. First serious issue with EPS. While motoring, the system shut down and blue error lights flashed in sequence of 6. This indicated that the system was overheated, so while coasting into the marina, the system was manually shut down and turned back on. This allowed for brief periods of run time, but then the system would shut down again. Was able to limp like this back to the slip, however slowly. Dockside trouble-shooting concluded that this was due to one of two causes: 1.) vent area/ fan needs to be cleaned- to enable proper cooling and 2.) most significantly the wet cell/ lead acid batteries were in serious need of maintenance. The electrolyte level in the batteries was too low and this probably caused an inaccurate reporting of charge time left. The batteries were in fact probably past fully depleted and the system was shutting down due to low voltage. Used EPS to enter/ leave Ginowan marina, and Zamami port. Approx. EPS runtime: 5 hrs @ < 10 amps; Notes: Regen still does not work.
-July 24, 2011: Day sailing with Emery family; Summary: Local cruise off coast of Okinawa, approx. 15 NM; Sea Conditions: 1 meter seas, Winds: 0-5 kts Var; Very light to no wind, used EPS to cruise just outside the marina. Technical summary: Overall EPS performed well (more than adequate propulsion power but no regen). Used EPS to enter/exit Ginowan Marina, Approx EPS runtime: 3 hrs @ < 15 amps. Notes: Regen still does not work.
-July 2-4, 2011: Zamami Yacht race and Tonaki jima with Paul, John and Larry; ASA BBC 104 course trip to Zamami port and Tonaki port; Leg 1: Ginowan- Zamami port: 25 NM; Leg 2: Zamami port- Tonaki jima port: 12 NM; Leg 3: Tonaki jima port- Ginowan Marina: 30 NM; Sea Conditions: 2- 2.5 meter seas, Winds: 12- 18 kts S; Summary: Voyage to Zamami port with the Zamami yacht race in most favorable sailing conditions. Cruising, started ahead of the race fleet and watched all of the faster boats pass. However, Intrepid performed under sail as well as can be expected of this old heavy boat. Arrived in Zamami port in good time, by mid day and found a good mooring spot. Enjoyed awesome yacht race party and then sailed to Tonaki port the next day. Very favorable sailing conditions sailing to Tonaki, made it in good time and entered port without issue. Previously this port was difficult to enter, but this time the conditions were calm and EPS was only used for 1 hr > @ 10 amps to approach the seawall to med-moor. Departing Tonaki jima port for the return leg, the seas were rougher at the harbor entrance and EPS was used to help fight to get out to sea, EPS used 1 hr > @ 15- 20 amps. Return leg back to Ginowan was perfect and Intrepid and crew set a new speed record, covering the 30 NM return leg in approx. 5 hrs. Technical summary: Overall EPS performed well (more than adequate propulsion, no regen); Used EPS to enter/ leave Ginowan marina, Zamami port and Tonaki port. Approx. EPS runtime: 4 hrs @ < 15 amps; Returned to port with batteries approx. 70% depleted. Notes: Regen still does not work.
-Jun 4-5, 2011: Tokashiki with Pete, Takanari-san, Doris and Lisa; ASA BCC 103 / BBC 104 course trip to Aharen ko; Leg 1: Ginowan- Tokashiki Aharen: 22 NM; Leg 2: Tokashiki Aharen- Ginowan Marina: 22 NM; Sea Conditions: 2.5 meter seas; Winds: 8-12 kts S/ SW; Summary: Voyage to Tokashiki Aharen ko, transit mostly under sail under favorable conditions. Anchorage in Aharen was somewhat of a lee shore but the winds were lighter than last time. Winds from SW are somewhat shielded by small island to the SW. Anchored further out and had to row further. Raft has a leak! Almost lost crew in the water, but everyone made it ashore dry. Definitely need a new raft! Met very friendly locals on shore and had a most uncomfortable sleepless night on the beach. (...) Favorable sailing conditions on return leg and made it back into port before too late. Technical summary: Overall EPS performed well (more than adequate propulsion, no regen); Used EPS to enter/ leave Ginowan marina, to approach anchorage in Aharen and to motor sail against strong swells in the narrow channel of Aharen ko. Approx. EPS runtime: 2 hrs @ < 10 amps; Notes: Regen still does not work.
-May 21-22, 2011: Zamami with Larry, Jim and Dave; ASA BCC 103 / BBC 104 course trip to Zamami port; Leg 1: Ginowan- Zamami port: 25 NM; Leg 2: Zamami port- Ginowan Marina: 25 NM; Sea Conditions: 2 meter seas, Winds: 12-15 kts S/ SE; Summary: Voyage to Zamami port in most favorable sailing conditions. Entered port in record time and had time to relax on the beach. Return leg had light winds and crew was worried about time so anchoring practice was aborted. However, conditions were favorable coming back and returned before too late. Technical summary: Overall EPS performed well (more than adequate propulsion, no regen); Used EPS to enter/ leave Ginowan marina, and Zamami port. Approx. EPS runtime: 3 hrs @ < 10 amps; Notes: Regen still does not work.
-May 7-8, 2011: Zamami with Cas, John and Jon; ASA BCC 103 course trip to Zamami port; Leg 1: Ginowan- Zamami port: 25 NM; Leg 2: Zamami port- Ginowan Marina: 25 NM; Sea Conditions: 2 meter seas, Winds: 8- 12 kts S/ SW; Summary: Voyage to Zamami port in favorable sailing conditions. Entered port in good time and had time to explore the island. Return leg had favorable conditions and was able to anchor in Tokashiki Aharen ko enroute for a swim call. Had to use EPS to recover swimmers who ventured too far away from the boat and lost track of time. Return leg started out with very light winds but then had an awesome stretch of perfect conditions that made up for lost time. Was able to sail perfectly balanced, without steering, at hull speed for several miles. Technical summary: Overall EPS performed well (more than adequate propulsion, no regen); Used EPS to enter/ leave Ginowan marina, to approach port in Zamami and Tokashiki Aharen ko. Approx. EPS runtime: 3 hrs @ < 10 amps; Notes: Regen still does not work.
-March 30, 2011: Sunset cruise with Erica and John; Summary: Local cruise off coast of Okinawa, approx. 7 NM; Sea Conditions: 1.5-2 meter seas, Winds: 10-15 kts N/ NW; Fun cruise with cool people. Technical summary: Overall EPS performed well (more than adequate propulsion power but no regen). Used EPS to enter/exit Ginowan Marina, Approx EPS runtime: 1 hr @ < 15 amps. Notes: Regen still does not work.
-February 20, 21, 2011: Okinawa day sailing with Ryan and Phallon; ASA BKB 101 course in near #2 buoy; 7 NM (2/20), 7 NM (2/21); Sea Conditions: 1-1.5 meter seas, Winds: 10-12 kts E/ NE; Summary: Local cruise off coast of Okinawa for BKB 101 course, approx. 14 NM (total both days). Technical summary: Overall EPS performed well (more than adequate propulsion power but no regen). Used EPS to enter/exit Ginowan Marina, Approx EPS runtime: 1 hr @ < 10 amps (each day). Notes: Regen still does not work.
-November 27- 28, 2010: Zamami with the Steele family; ASA BCC 103 course trip to Zamami port; Leg 1: Ginowan- Zamami port: 25 NM; Leg 2: Zamami port- Ginowan Marina: 25 NM; Sea Conditions: 2- 2.5 meter seas, Winds: 12-18 kts N/ NE; Summary: Voyage to Zamami port in favorable sailing conditions. Entered port in good time and had time to explore the island a bit. Return leg had challenging conditions with a strong head. Anchored in Tokashiki Aharen ko enroute for anchoring practice. The wind was forecasted to shift favorably but did not and resulted in a frustrating and tiring upwind beat the entire way back. The crew had great experience with upwind sailing tactics and were able to get the boat back to port before too long. Technical summary: Overall EPS performed well (more than adequate propulsion, no regen); Used EPS to enter/ leave Ginowan marina, to approach port in Zamami and Tokashiki Aharen ko. Approx. EPS runtime: 3 hrs @ < 10 amps; Notes: Regen still does not work.
-November 20-23, 2010: Izena and Ie jima with Yoh Aoki; ASA ACC 106 course trip with Yoh Aoki and crew; Leg 1: Ginowan Marina -Izena: 40 NM; Leg 2: Izena- Ie jima: 15 NM; Leg 3 Ie jima- Ginowan Marina: 25 NM; Sea Conditions: 2.5- 3 meter seas; 18-25 kts N/ NE; Summary: Voyage to Izena jima at night with strong head wind, Intrepid made good progress and pointed well with the 1st reef. Very good night time illumination with full moon. Practiced MOB drill at night, arrived in Izena jima port in good time by mid day. Izena jima port is a challenging port to enter with high seas and strong wind from the north, the breakwater can be dangerous so EPS was used to safely maneuver into the port and to the seawall to get in position for a med-moor. Missed the med-moor spot a few times and had to circle back with EPS. Used EPS in Izena port for approx. 1 hr @ < 15 amps; Leg 2 to Ie jima was with a strong tail wind which helped until we had to turn to enter the port. Tense port entry with strong head winds coming from up the channel. Had to tack in a narrow channel until it became unsafe to do so and then motor-sailed with EPS. Used EPS to maneuver to med-moor for approx. 1 hr @ < 15 amps; Leg 3 return to Ginowan Marina was with strong tail wind and wing on wing point of sail was attempted in big swells. Preventer is a very useful piece of gear. Need a whisker pole... spinnaker pole does not work as a whisker pole! Entrance into Ginowan Marina channel was tense with 3.5+ meter swells from the north, but Intrepid was able to surf into the slot and made it back into the marina without any trouble. Technical summary: Overall EPS performed well (more than adequate propulsion, no regen); Used EPS to enter/ leave Ginowan marina, Izena jima port and Ie jima port. Approx. EPS runtime: 5 hrs @ < 15 amps; Notes: Regen still does not work.
-August 21-22, 2010: Zamami with Chris S, Pete O, and Geoff; ASA BCC 103 / BBC 104 course trip to Zamami port; Leg 1: Ginowan- Zamami port: 25 NM; Leg 2: Zamami port- Ginowan Marina: 25 NM; Sea Conditions: 1.5- 2 meter seas, Winds: 8- 12 kts S/ SE; Summary: Voyage to Zamami port in favorable sailing conditions. Entered port in good time, rafted next to Tainui and enjoyed the Zamami matsuri festival. Zamami is always a good time. Return leg had favorable conditions and was able to anchor in Tokashiki Aharen ko enroute for a swim call. Technical summary: Overall EPS performed well (more than adequate propulsion, no regen); Used EPS to enter/ leave Ginowan marina, to approach port in Zamami and Tokashiki Aharen ko. Approx. EPS runtime: 3 hrs @ < 10 amps; Notes: Regen still does not work.
-August 14-15, 2010: Zamami with Paul, Chris M, and Ian; ASA BCC 103 course trip to Zamami port; Leg 1: Ginowan- Zamami port: 25 NM; Leg 2: Zamami port- Ginowan Marina: 25 NM; Sea Conditions: 1- 1.5 meter seas, Winds: 5-10 kts S; Summary: Voyage to Zamami port in favorable to light conditions. The winds were most favorable on the first leg for most of the voyage and Zamami port was reached by mid day in reasonable time. A nice mooring and stay in Zamami port was followed by a return leg which experienced much lighter winds. Motor sailing with EPS for approx. 10 NM on return enabled reasonable progress and return to port before too late. Caught an unusual species of small tuna while trolling, grilled and ate it while sailing. Technical summary: Overall EPS performed well (more than adequate propulsion, no regen); Used EPS to enter/ leave Ginowan marina, to approach port in Zamami and for approx 10 NM of motor sailing. Returned home with batteries approx. 80% depleted. Approx. EPS runtime: 6 hrs @ < 10 amps; Notes: Regen still does not work.
-July 31- August 1, 2010: Zamami with Jeff, Joe and Lee; ASA BCC 103 course trip to Zamami port; Leg 1: Ginowan- Zamami port 25 NM; Leg 2: Zamami port- Ginowan Marina: 25 NM; Sea Conditions: 2 meter seas, Winds: 8- 12 kts S; Summary: Voyage to Zamami port in favorable sailing conditions. The wind died off a bit on approach to Zamami, however the crew were able to practice light wind sailing tactics and still made into Zamami port in good time. The return leg also was under favorable conditions and an anchorage was made enroute at Amuru shima for practice and for a fun swim call. While sailing back to Ginowan marina, a mahi mahi was caught while trolling and the crew grilled it up back at the dock in Ginowan Marina. Technical summary: Overall EPS performed well (more than adequate propulsion, no regen); Used EPS to enter/ leave Ginowan marina, to approach port in Zamami. Approx. EPS runtime: 3 hrs @ < 10 amps; Notes: Regen still does not work.
-July 22, 2010: Cape Zampa with Penders family; Summary: Local cruise off coast of Okinawa, approx. 20 NM; Sea Conditions: 2-2.5 meter seas, Winds: 5-18 kts S; Challenging sailing conditions, light winds with squalls. Technical summary: Overall EPS performed well (more than adequate propulsion power but no regen). Used EPS to enter/exit Ginowan Marina, Approx EPS runtime: 2 hrs @ < 10 amps. Notes: Regen still does not work.
-July 24-25, 2010: Zamami Yacht Race with Kevin, Dave and Herman; ASA BCC 103 course trip to Zamami port; Leg 1: Ginowan- Zamami port: 25 NM; Leg 2: Zamami port- Ginowan: 25 NM; Sea Conditions: 2- 2.5 meter seas, Winds: 12- 18 kts S / SW; Summary: Voyage to Zamami port with the Zamami yacht race in most favorable sailing conditions. Cruising, started ahead of the race fleet and watched all of the faster boats pass. However, Intrepid performed under sail as well as can be expected of this old heavy boat. Arrived in Zamami port in good time, before mid day and found a good mooring spot. Enjoyed awesome yacht race party and then sailed back to Ginowan the next day in good conditions. Both outbound and inboand legs dodged a few squalls, however on the return leg caught the side of one and got rained on and knocked over a bit. Nothing too serious and the boat made good progress and returned back to Ginowan port in good time. Technical summary: Overall EPS performed well (more than adequate propulsion, no regen); Used EPS to enter/ leave Ginowan marina, to approach port in Zamami. Approx. EPS runtime: 2 hrs @ < 10 amps; Notes: Regen still does not work.
-July 16-18, 2010: Zamami with Matsuda-san and Tsugane-san; ASA BBC 104 course trip to Zamami port; Leg 1: Ginowan - Zamami port: 25 NM; Leg 2: Zamami port - Zamami Agonoura ko: 3 NM; Leg 3: Zamami Agonoura ko- Ginowan Marina: 23 NM; Sea Conditions: 1- 4 meter seas; Wind: 0 - 30 kts S; Summary: Most challenging EPS test run to date. Voyage to Zamami port and Zamami Agonoura ko, departed Ginowan Marina at night with near zero wind, attempted to find wind and sail in extremely light winds for 5 hours before the wind picked up. Since this was the beginning of the voyage, EPS was only used to motor out of the marina and so light wind sailing tactics were practiced. Crew became frustrated but were able to find and take advantage of very light winds to make progress towards Zamami before sunrise. As the morning progressed, the wind picked up and were able to sail into Zamami port by mid-day. The second day, the winds picked up significantly and it was determined that the planned second port visit to Tonaki was not a good idea due to very strong forecasted winds on the third day out of the south, which would make a return trip to Ginowan more difficult. Decided to sail to Zamami Agonoura ko, a sheltered harbor instead. Very calm and peaceful anchorage, however the night was interrupted by a squall which tested the holding power of the anchor. Final return leg it rained constantly while leaving Agonoura ko in 15-20 kt winds out of the south. The rain turned into more severe storm conditions after leaving Zamami and sailing north of the Keramas. By the time Kuro jima was reached (halfway through Kerama islands), the storm conditions became more severe and with the 2nd reef in the mainsail it was difficult to control the boat and too dangerous to leave the cockpit to put in the 3rd reef. Attempted to de-power the sails in heavy winds (30 kts) by luffing 2nd reefed main. However, it was necessary to reduce sail so the crew risked their safety and put in the 3rd reef successfully and without injury. As the boat departed the Kerama islands with the sails reefed and in 30+ kt winds, the strong current between Mae jima and Chi bishi caused the seas to become confused, chaotic and dangerous. 4+ meter confused seas were observed at short intervals and it was very difficult to control the boat at times. At least twice Intrepid was knocked over and the seas filled the cockpit. However, Intrepid sailed straight on an easterly course and made the track line to Okinawa at a record pace. The problem was that we needed to go south east, not east and the winds were very strong out of the south and once Okinawa was reached, it was near Yomitan and it took a few more hours of fighting to windward with the sails reefed to make progress towards Ginowan marina. Very tiring experience, the crew was lucky that the winds shifted a bit and were able to tack and eventually go straight to Ginowan Marina. Technical summary: Overall EPS performed well (more than adequate propulsion, no regen); Used EPS to enter/ leave Ginowan marina, to approach port in Zamami and anchorage in Zamami Agonoura ko. Approx. EPS runtime: 4 hrs @ < 10 amps; Notes: Regen still does not work.
-July 13, 2010: Okinawa Day sailing with James, Emily, Brad, Mike and Mitsuki; Summary: Local cruise off coast of Okinawa, approx. 10 NM; Sea Conditions: 1-2 meter seas, Winds: 10-12 kts S; Very nice and fun sail with good friends. Technical summary: Overall EPS performed well (more than adequate propulsion power but no regen). Used EPS to enter/exit Ginowan Marina, Approx EPS runtime: 1 hrs @ < 10 amps. Notes: Regen still does not work.
-July 10-11, 2010: Tokashiki with Sasha, Jim, Geoff and Chris B; ASA BCC 103 course trip to Tokashiki Aharen ko; Leg 1: Ginowan- Tokashiki Aharen: 22 NM; Leg 2: Tokashiki Aharen- Ginowan Marina: 22 NM; Sea Conditions: 2.5 meter seas; Winds: 15-20 kts S/ SE; Summary: Voyage to Tokashiki Aharen ko, transit mostly under sail under favorable conditions. Anchorage in Aharen turned into a lee shore and was dangerous. First time experienced rough conditions in this very sheltered harbor. Luckily the anchor held strong and the crew were able to pull anchor the next day and motor sailed with EPS through big swells to exit Aharen channel. Experienced very rough seas/ freak swells (4+ meter) between Tokashiki and Zamami when leaving under sail. s/v Intrepid handled well, though tossed pretty good. Crew experienced sea sickness, although too much partying at the izakaya in Aharen the night before might have been a contributing factor. Technical summary: Overall EPS performed well (more than adequate propulsion, no regen); Used EPS to enter/ leave Ginowan marina, to approach anchorage in Aharen and to motor sail against strong swells in the narrow channel of Aharen ko. Approx. EPS runtime: 3 hrs @ < 10 amps; Notes: Regen still does not work.
-June 20, 2010: Okinawa Day sailing with Takanari-san, Harry and Yuko-san; Summary: Local cruise off coast of Okinawa, approx. 15 NM; Sea Conditions: 2-2.5 meter seas, Winds: 12-18 kts S; Very lively sail entering port. Technical summary: Overall EPS performed well (more than adequate propulsion power but no regen). Used EPS to enter/exit Ginowan Marina, Approx EPS runtime: 1 hrs @ < 10 amps. Notes: Regen still does not work.
-June 8, 2010: Okinawa Day sailing with Russ and Miki; Summary: Local cruise off coast of Okinawa, approx. 15 NM; Sea Conditions: 1-2 meter seas, Winds: 8-10 kts S; Technical summary: Overall EPS performed well (more than adequate propulsion power but no regen). Used EPS to enter/exit Ginowan Marina, Approx EPS runtime: 1 hrs @ < 10 amps. Notes: Regen still does not work.
-June 6, 2010: Naha Port with Chris H and Blaise; Summary: ASA training voyage to Naha port, Leg 1: Ginowan Marina- Naha port: 10 NM; Within Naha port: 10 NM; Leg 2: Naha port- Ginowan Marina: 10 NM; Sea Conditions: 2.5-3 meter seas, Winds: 15-18 kts; Technical summary: Overall EPS performed well (more than adequate propulsion power but no regen). Sailed and used EPS throughout Naha port, Approx EPS runtime: 4 hrs @ < 10 amps. Plenty of battery capacity for cruising and returning back to port. Notes: Regen still does not work.
-May 29-31, 2010: Tokashiki with Jenn, Kyle, Wendy and Blaise; Excursion to Tokashiki Aharen ko; First trip with new standing rigging. Leg 1: Ginowan- Tokashiki Aharen: 22 NM; Leg 2: Tokashiki Aharen- Ginowan: 22 NM; Sea conditions: 2 - 2.5 meter seas; Winds: 18-20 kts E/ NE; Summary: Voyage to Tokashiki Aharen ko, transit mostly under sail under favorable conditions. Anchorage in Aharen was well protected with wind and seas from the north. However, beaching the raft the skipper still dumped it and ruined a camera. Lesson learned: waterproof cameras are best choice on a boat! The crew had a fun time ashore in an izakaya and even more fun anchored out (...). REM song: "Night Swimming" has new meaning now. Started cup signing tradition. Return trip was against stronger wind and seas and a mysterious leak developed. The bilge pump was not enough to keep up with the leak and so crew had to take turns bailing out the boat to keep from sinking. The leak was determined to be caused by a failed PSS- the rubber bellows developed a tear and was gushing water. This was replaced upon return. Technical summary: Overall EPS performed well (more than adequate propulsion, no regen); Used EPS only to enter/ leave Ginowan marina and approach anchorage in Aharen. Approx. EPS runtime: 3 hrs @ < 10 amps; Notes: Regen still does not work.
-October 17- November 8, 2009: Zamami and Tokashiki with Pete S, Sam, Kodee, Austin, Ohba-san and Kouji-san; ASA BCC 103 course trip to Zamami port and Tokashiki (Return drama); Leg 1: Ginowan - Zamami: 32 NM (alt route); Leg 2: Zamami - Tokashiki port (divert + alt route): 8 NM; Leg 3: Tokashiki Port- Tokashiki Aharen: 5 NM; Leg 4: Tokashiki Aharen- Ginowan: 22 NM; Sea conditions: 2.5- 3 meter seas/ 4 meter seas/ 2 meter seas); Winds: 22 kts N/ 25+ kts N/ 15 kts NNW; Summary: Voyage to Zamami port under sail went well until approaching Mae jima (Jama jima!), got caught in a current while approaching the north cape. Current was not apparent visually but it was obvious on a chart plotter and so an alternate route was taken, south of Mae jima and while sailing from north to south parallel to Mae jima- 9+ kts of speed over ground was observed! Very strong current. New route was taken between Mae jima and Tokashiki, but had to beat against a strong head wind and current in this new slot as well. However, s/v Intrepid is badass and was able to climb north of Tokashiki and slip between Tokashiki and Zamami to approach Zamami port from the east and arrived in port before too late. Upon departure from Zamami port, the crew decided to try to leave via the northwest and north of Zamami but encountered 4 meter seas and strong winds. The skipper was worried about the rigging (which is old and was due for replacement) and so the return was aborted and s/v Intrepid was left in Zamami port and the skipper and crew took the ferry back to Ginowan. While back in Okinawan Honto, of course a typhoon was forecasted and so the skipper took the ferry back to Zamami to properly tie up for a typhoon (which ended up passing safely away and was not as much of an issue). When the seas calmed down, the skipper was joined by two more crew, Pete and Austin who attempted a return but again, the seas were too rough (for the old rigging) and so the return was aborted and s/v Intrepid was left in Tokashiki port and the skipper and crew took the ferry back to Okinawa again. By the next weekend, another BCC 103 course was scheduled and it was arranged to have the crew for this course take the ferry to Tokashiki and conduct the course as a return trip from Tokashiki to Ginowan, with an intermediate stop at Tokashiki Aharen ko. The conditions on the return were ideal and s/v Intrepid made it back to port in good time. Throughout this longer voyage, the EPS system batteries became depleted and so while in Tokashiki port a very long cable was made to plug into the grid and charge the batteries. A regular extension cord, plugged into a nearby izakaya, connected to the battery charger was able to top the batteries off so that the trip to Aharen and then Ginowan had plenty of battery capacity to motor as needed. Technical summary: Overall EPS performed well (more than adequate propulsion, no regen); Approx. EPS runtime: 6 hrs @ < 10 amps; Notes: Regen still does not work.
-September 19-20, 2009: Naha port with Jeff, Sharon, Adam and Jennifer; ASA BCC 103 course trip to Naha port; Aborted voyage to Kerama islands due to unexpectedly high sea state (3 - 3.5 meter seas/ Winds 25 kts +); Summary: High seas and winds from the west made a planned voyage west to the Keramas uncomfortable and the crew was getting sick early. Voyage diverted to nearby Naha port, Leg 1: Ginowan Marina- Naha port: 10 NM; Within Naha port: 10 NM; Leg 2: Naha port- Ginowan Marina: 10 NM; Wind and seas within Naha port: Calm; Technical summary: Overall EPS performed well (more than adequate propulsion power but no regen). Sailed and used EPS throughout Naha port, Approx EPS runtime: 5 hrs @ < 10 amps. Plenty of battery capacity for cruising and returning back to port. Notes: Regen still does not work.
-August 15-16, 2009: Zamami port with Mike, Matt, and Ben; ASA BCC 103 course trip to Zamami port. Leg 1: Ginowan- Zamami: 25 NM; Leg 2: Zamami- Ginowan: 25 NM; Sea conditions: 2- 1 meters; Wind: 10- 5 kts S / Var; Summary: Very light winds throughout the voyage, especially on return leg challenged the crew to optimize sailing performance. Both legs of voyage took longer than usual, but the crew were able to practice their light wind sailing skills and got the boat to and from the objective in time for the party there and before too late back at home. EPS used for leaving/ entering Ginowan Marina, leaving/ entering Zamami port and for extended stretch on return leg. At one point on the return leg, the wind completely died 12 NM from home, when the batteries were approx. 80% depleted. The crew decided to push the limits of the EPS system and test the accuracy of the Link 10 battery monitor. EPS was used at the 12 NM from home point and pushed the boat at 3 kts for approx 4 hrs, through the worst of the lulls. The batteries were depleted almost completely and the battery monitor was indicating less than 1 hr at lowest speed remaining as the boat entered port. Enough battery capacity remained to safely dock, coming in on "battery fumes." Technical summary: Overall EPS performed well (more than adequate propulsion power but no regen); Approx EPS run time: 6 hrs @ < 10 amps; Notes: Regen still does not work.
-August 1-2, 2009: Tokashiki Aharen ko with Michelle, Fred and Elly; Excursion to Tokashiki Aharen ko. Leg 1: Ginowan- Tokashiki: 22 NM; Leg 2: Tokashiki- Ginowan: 22 NM; Sea conditions: 2.5 - 2 meters; Wind: 15- 5 kts S / Var; Summary: Favorable winds during Leg 1 allowed for voyage under sail; Leg 2 was challenging as the winds died and we had to try to motor long distances with EPS. Got stuck in a strong current near Mae jima and tried in vain to escape under sail. Eventually used EPS to motor away from the island (approx. 3 NM) but this further drained the batteries in the middle of the voyage and the crew was worried about the battery capacity and the ability to motor into port. Eventually reached port under sail with plenty (approx 50%) of battery capacity to motor into port and dock. Battery capacity anxiety is due to inexperience and uncertainty regarding the accuracy of the Link 10 battery monitor. Battery monitor showed "time left" which changed drastically when throttle was changed and was not accurate at first- showing high numbers that fell fast and then evening out to what ended up being accurate. Lesson learned: Link 10 battery monitor needs a few minutes to adjust and report accurate "time left." Do not trust the numbers for the first few minutes. We ended up having more power than we really needed but it is better to have a safety margin. Used EPS for leaving/ entering Ginowan Marina, approaching anchorage at Aharen ko and for escaping current near Mae jima; Technical summary: Overall EPS performed well (more than adequate propulsion, no regen); Approx EPS run time: 4 hrs @ < 10 amps; Notes: Regen still does not work.
-July 18-20, 2009: Zamami port and Tonaki jima port with Aoki Yacht School; Electric system sea trials and ASA BBC 104 course trip to Zamami and Tonaki jima for Aoki Yacht School. First extended voyage of s/v Intrepid after electric conversion project. Leg 1: Ginowan -Zamami: 25 NM; Leg 2: Zamami - Tonaki: 12 NM; Tonaki- Ginowan: 30 NM; Sea conditions: 3 - 2.5 meters; Wind: 22 - 15 kts S/ SW; Summary: Steady favorable winds allowed for voyage under sail, Electric Propulsion System (EPS) used for motoring out of slip, in/out of Zamami port, in/out Tonaki port, entering port and docking in Ginowan Marina; Notes: Tonaki port is a challenging port with high seas when entering. EPS was used at more than half throttle/ near full throttle for short bursts when entering and exiting Tonaki port. This was at the end of the weekend voyage when the batteries were somewhat depleted. EPS performed well and gave more than adequate power when needed. Returned to port with about 60% battery capacity remaining. Issues: Was not able to regenerate power under sail, although hull speed was achieved throughout the voyage. Tried prescribed techniques but was not successful. Will need to troubleshoot. Also, first voyage after conversion project- the boat is still a mess! The bilge needs to be cleaned of fiberglass debris. Technical summary: Overall EPS performed well (more than adequate propulsion, no regen); Approx EPS run time: 3 hrs @ < 10 amps.
-Approx. Nautical Miles with auxiliary EPS to date: 1611 NM
-Update - August 14, 2012: inport Ginowan Marina
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-August 4, 2012: Okinawa day sailing with Tabata-san and Suzuki-san; Demonstration sail near #2 buoy; 10 NM; Sea Conditions: 1-1.5 meter seas, Winds: 18-20 kts E; Summary: Local cruise off coast of Okinawa to show the boat to Suzuki-san and Tabata-san. Breezy conditions and good fun. Had 2nd reef in the mainsail but were still going fullspeed. East winds kept the seas flat. Used the Sail-O-Mat windvane for the first time since maintenance and modifications and it worked great! Technical summary: Overall EPS performed well (more than adequate propulsion power but no regen). Used EPS to enter/exit Ginowan Marina and do docking drills, Approx EPS runtime: 2 hrs @ < 15 amps. Notes: Regen still does not work.
-July 29, 2012: Okinawa day sailing with Mike, Tim and Paul; ASA BKB 101 course in near #2 buoy; 10 NM; Sea Conditions: 1-1.5 meter seas, Winds: 20-22 kts E; Summary: Local cruise off coast of Okinawa for BKB 101 course. Windy and lively conditions but good fun. Had 2nd reef in the mainsail but were still going fullspeed. East winds kept the seas flat. Technical summary: Overall EPS performed well (more than adequate propulsion power but no regen). Used EPS to enter/exit Ginowan Marina and do docking drills, Approx EPS runtime: 2 hrs @ < 15 amps. Notes: Regen still does not work.
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-June 26, 2012: Okinawa day sailing with Brad; ASA BCC 103 course in near #2 buoy; 5 NM; Sea Conditions: 1-1.5 meter seas, Winds: 12-15 kts S; Summary: Local cruise off coast of Okinawa to finish up skills for BCC 103 course, approx. 5 NM. Just cruised around for a bit and practiced anchoring in the marina. Used EPS to maneuver in the marina. Technical summary: Overall EPS performed well (more than adequate propulsion power but no regen). Used EPS to enter/exit Ginowan Marina and maneuver for anchoring practice, Approx EPS runtime: 1 hr @ < 10 amps. Notes: Regen still does not work.
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-March 30, 2011: Sunset cruise with Erica and John; Summary: Local cruise off coast of Okinawa, approx. 7 NM; Sea Conditions: 1.5-2 meter seas, Winds: 10-15 kts N/ NW; Fun cruise with cool people. Technical summary: Overall EPS performed well (more than adequate propulsion power but no regen). Used EPS to enter/exit Ginowan Marina, Approx EPS runtime: 1 hr @ < 15 amps. Notes: Regen still does not work.
-February 20, 21, 2011: Okinawa day sailing with Ryan and Phallon; ASA BKB 101 course in near #2 buoy; 7 NM (2/20), 7 NM (2/21); Sea Conditions: 1-1.5 meter seas, Winds: 10-12 kts E/ NE; Summary: Local cruise off coast of Okinawa for BKB 101 course, approx. 14 NM (total both days). Technical summary: Overall EPS performed well (more than adequate propulsion power but no regen). Used EPS to enter/exit Ginowan Marina, Approx EPS runtime: 1 hr @ < 10 amps (each day). Notes: Regen still does not work.
-July 22, 2010: Cape Zampa with Penders family; Summary: Local cruise off coast of Okinawa, approx. 20 NM; Sea Conditions: 2-2.5 meter seas, Winds: 5-18 kts S; Challenging sailing conditions, light winds with squalls. Technical summary: Overall EPS performed well (more than adequate propulsion power but no regen). Used EPS to enter/exit Ginowan Marina, Approx EPS runtime: 2 hrs @ < 10 amps. Notes: Regen still does not work.
-July 13, 2010: Okinawa Day sailing with James, Emily, Brad, Mike and Mitsuki; Summary: Local cruise off coast of Okinawa, approx. 10 NM; Sea Conditions: 1-2 meter seas, Winds: 10-12 kts S; Very nice and fun sail with good friends. Technical summary: Overall EPS performed well (more than adequate propulsion power but no regen). Used EPS to enter/exit Ginowan Marina, Approx EPS runtime: 1 hrs @ < 10 amps. Notes: Regen still does not work.
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Begin Voyage Log of Electric Powered s/v Intrepid
(s/v Intrepid has made numerous previous trips to the Keramas, Ie, Iheya,
Motobu, Kouri jima, Naha port and all along the coast of Okinawa from
2003- 2009, (total approx. 1000 NM) before the electric conversion project.
The purpose of this voyage log is only to document voyages of the
re-commissioned s/v Intrepid after the electric conversion project)
Motobu, Kouri jima, Naha port and all along the coast of Okinawa from
2003- 2009, (total approx. 1000 NM) before the electric conversion project.
The purpose of this voyage log is only to document voyages of the
re-commissioned s/v Intrepid after the electric conversion project)