Sailing in the Kerama islands ~ Okinawa, Japan |
The purpose of Project Intrepid Seas is to demonstrate the benefits of electric propulsion for sailboats. s/v Intrepid is a modest old boat that had the diesel engine removed and replaced with an electric propulsion system. The skipper of the vessel, Greg Martin has since been cruising the waters of the East China Sea and teaching American Sailing Association (ASA) sailing courses in Okinawa, Japan in association with the Aoki Yacht School.
There are many people cruising the world today in all types of boats. There are also many boats that have been designed or converted to run with an electric propulsion system. However, there are not many documented examples of cruising boats around the world that are using electric auxiliary power to venture far from homeport. The conventional wisdom seems to be that you need to have a combustion engine as your auxiliary means of propulsion on a sailing vessel and that electric propulsion systems are best suited for day sailing in sheltered waters.
Project Intrepid Seas aims to shatter this misconception! We believe that sailing vessels were meant to sail- and that for auxiliary mechanical propulsion, electric systems are the ideal choice- for day sailors, coastal cruisers and...
offshore voyagers.
Project Intrepid Seas is
not a record attempt. Many people have already cruised the world, solo and in smaller boats, even
without an engine. There is essentially nothing remarkable about Project Intrepid Seas...
and that is exactly the point!
Project Intrepid Seas is
not a solo voyage. We do not intend on sailing alone for any part of this voyage and invite anyone who is interested to join the adventure at any time. Please visit this website and follow the progress of Project Intrepid Seas as we push the limits of electric power for watercraft. Also, if you can take some time off to go sailing please join the crew!